Dear community. We are flattered to share our latest weekly update. Album :. Our full album is LIVE NOW.

02 Jun 2023, 16:32
Dear community‼️ We are flattered to share our latest weekly update. 📖Album : 💥 Our full album is LIVE NOW! 💥 Youre now able to add your Collectibles from previous drops, both for the legend and president categories. Therefore you will be able to start showing your Galatasaray, Ronadinho and the Avant Première NFT's to add many extra trophies to your album🏆🏆🏆 - Album: To open the legend and president tab, you must own at least 1 NFT of the corresponding category. The ronaldinho NFT is currently showing the unrevealed NFT. This will be fixed early next week. Don't worry because the trophies do count. - Medium: 🗓 Q2 information: We have just entered the final phase of Q2. This means we are well on our way. Of our stated Q2 goals, 60% have been completed. Some goals will be completed very soon. On some goals we are still working hard to complete them before the end of Q2. This is currently moving in the right direction. We will keep you posted! 👥️ Community question: We did not receive any major questions this week, that we would like to give extra attention to. Several minor questions have been asked and have been answered to the appropriate community member. We would like to announce that an AMA will be held at the end of the month. We will share an official announcement of this soon. Off to another great week! The Shirtum team.