The community has spoken. In response to our poll we conducted, the results are as follows:.

25 Apr 2023, 15:30
The community has spoken! In response to our poll we conducted, the results are as follows: - Postpone the 2nd drop by one week, the same as the new staking plans, so all BSC, ERC and POLYGON will count toward the snapshot. This means that the next W3.0 collectibles drop will take place on : Thursday, May 4th. As you know, the testing of our staking beta will start this Thursday. Should this go well, the new staking plan will start on Friday, April 28. ( Those who have signed up will be notified ) Having said that, on Tuesday, May 2th, our snapshot will take place for the upcoming W3.0 collectibles drop. So for the first time, the MyShi ranking will apply to all 3 chains. Thanks for participating in the poll. The Shirtum team.